Mom Talk  - 10 Life Changing Mom Hacks You Won't Want to Miss!

Mom Talk - 10 Life Changing Mom Hacks You Won't Want to Miss!

It’s all in the bag, 10 ways to be a prepared mom What's in your bag that makes you feel ready to handle anything? Give us your essentials for being prepared. Silly antics? A full-blown temper tantrum? Poop? Puke? Friendly happy baby or scowling grump? You can never really know what’s going to be thrown your way when it comes to parenting but there are some steps you can take to be prepared. Jessica, from The Leaky Boob and experienced mom of 7, shares 10 tips to help you be ready for whatever comes your way when you and your kiddos are out and about.

Tip #1 is to plan leaving 30-45 minutes earlier for everything. You’ll quickly find yourself being late time and time again, so if you tell yourself and your family to be ready early, it will help tremendously. 

Tip #2 is to leave a carseat in the car. There are not enough hands to carry  everything, especially if you have more than one kid. The best thing to do for safety reasons is to leave it in the car and avoid bringing it in restaurants or anywhere else. To make things easier, you can use a carrier to carry the baby. 

Tip #3 is knowing what’s essential and what you have to have. Once you figure out what you need and pack it accordingly, you can add any extra items you think might help. Be sure to place your essentials in easy spots so you can access them without digging around endlessly. A useful tip is to plan packing 1 diaper for every hour, plus 2 additional diapers for the outing. 

Tip #4 is to make sure you have back ups that are in good condition. Pack extra diapers, diaper changing pads and a small bag with wipes and a blanket so you are ready to go. Don’t forget to pack an extra change of clothes for the baby and, yes, for  yourself, too. You'll find yourself with soiled clothing many times, so do yourself a favor and bring a change of clothes. Some important items to have handy are baby wipes, a bottle, a baby blanket, a change of clothes for the baby, nursing pads, pacifier, 2-4 burp cloths, a toy, and finally, a fitted sheet.

Tip #5 is don’t be afraid to ask someone for help if you need it. This can be anyone, whether it’s your partner, older kids, or even strangers. Sometimes something as easy as asking a person to hold the door open for you can make your life so much easier. 

Tip #6 is to pack smart. What this means is it is worth taking the time to plan ahead and pack your items strategically. You’ll need to figure out the necessities and know where to place items in your bag. As a mom, you now can move past single purpose items and invest in something multi-purpose. This is why drjasonsdiet is the perfect backpack or bag solution because it can be used even when you don’t need to carry diapers anymore.

Tip #7 is to always have snacks for the little one and yourself. Kids get hungry, and so do you. Even if you plan on taking a short trip, always plan to pack for a long day just in case. You won’t be sorry!

Tip #8 is if you have more than one kid, give them a heads up on when you’re leaving and what time. Let them know the day before and be sure to remind them the morning of so they are prepared. It is also important to have them pack their own bag with stuff they need so they don’t have to keep asking you where certain things are.

Tip #9 is when you go out, stick your baby diaper bag in the backseat next to the baby. This might sound bad, but it is important to do so in case you leave your baby in the car. Accidents happen and we are all human, so the best way to prevent this from happening is putting the bag next to the baby and keeping your cell phone in the bag. 

Tip #10 is to relax! Nobody is perfect, and things won’t always go your way. The best way to handle the crazy life of a mom is to relax and know that you’re not the only one who has to go through it. Don’t feel like you’re alone, cause you definitely aren’t!