bottle feeding your baby

5 Bottle Feeding Myths to Put to Bed

Are you thinking about bottle feeding your baby? It can be hard deciphering what is true and what is not when you have questions about bottle feeding. That’s why we’ve gathered our drjasonsdiet team to debunk common myths about the bottle feeding process. One thing to remember, though, is that not one single way will work best for every mom and every baby. The only thing that’s best for your baby is getting fed.

Bottle Feeding Myth 1: You Make the Decision Before Baby Comes

Even though you might have a preference as to whether you’re going to nurse your baby or bottle feed your baby, your plans might not always work out. Many mothers who are set on nursing their child find their baby is not interested in nursing and wants to use a bottle instead. While not as common, the same goes for mothers who want to exclusively use a bottle for their infant. They might find their baby wants to nurse instead of using a bottle.

It’s great to have an idea for what you want to do before birth, but make sure you stay flexible and open to trying different things. Every infant is different and just because you want to bottle feed or nurse doesn’t always mean your baby wants the same thing. Make your decision using the best information available, but remember you can always change your mind to make sure your newborn is getting the best nutrition possible.

Bottle Feeding Myth 2: You Have to Use Hot Water for a Bottle

Many parents worry about whether the baby bottle bag they are using will keep the bottle warm for their baby. Bottle bags can keep infant formula warm, but it’s not absolutely essential. Parents in the past would find it difficult to heat a bottle when they were out and about, but formula doesn’t have to be hot or even warm to work effectively. Despite this, you don’t want your bottle feeding to be freezing cold because that can be difficult for your baby to digest, but you shouldn’t worry about getting the bottle hot every time.

If you want to make sure your bottle is the right temperature, a good gauge is testing it on the delicate skin of your wrist. You should not get burnt by the formula, but if the formula comes out of the bottle and feels very cold, it might be too cold for the baby but will still be better than a scalding hot bottle. Then, place within the insulated pocket of your baby bag (almost all drjasonsdiet bags come with one!) to make sure your bottle is protected as you go about your errands.

Baby rests on mom’s shoulder after bottle feeding

Bottle Feeding Myth 3: You Have to Wait to Try Bottle Feeding

Advocates for breastfeeding advise parents to wait until their newborn is six weeks to try bottle feeding.


If you have decided that you want to nurse your baby, but the baby isn’t interested, you should try bottle feeding your baby as soon as you notice any issues with breastfeeding. It’s also important to speak with a medical professional.

Giving your baby a bottle doesn’t mean giving up on a “natural” process, it simply means you care enough about your child to make sure he or she is fed. Do not let people shame you for using bottle feeding when your child doesn’t want to nurse.

While some might say that nursing is better because it involves less effort, it can be a huge effort for some moms. When you’re bottle feeding, it can be just as easy to feed your baby on-the-go. With a baby bottle bag, some extra formula, and water, you’ll be set to feed your baby no matter where you’re at!

Bottle Feeding Myth 4: You Can’t Switch Back and Forth

Some people may believe that once they switch from nursing to using a bottle feeding, they can’t switch back to nursing again. While you may want to consider staying more consistent as your baby gets older, you can switch back and forth.

You can also supplement your nursing with infant formula without much trouble. If you want to start this, consider talking to your pediatrician about the best way to ensure your baby is getting all the right nutrients. Although switching back and forth doesn’t usually affect your baby’s health, you may find your baby has a preference for either breast milk or formula. Don’t be surprised if your baby refuses to take one over the other!

Another option you can use is to give your baby breast milk in a bottle. This can be helpful if your baby is not latching after you’ve switched from nursing to bottle feeding. You may be able to pump and store your milk in a temperature-controlled Fuel Cell or breast pump bag to make sure it remains at the right temperature.

Bottle Feeding Myth 5: You Won’t Bond With Your Baby

This myth is one of the biggest but also one of the most damaging myths when it comes to bottle feeding. In a world where moms are shamed for almost every decision they make, they shouldn’t be shamed for the way they feed their child. Choosing to use a bottle doesn’t mean you won’t bond with your baby.

  • Feeding your baby creates a bond.
  • Spending time with your baby creates a bond.
  • Being your baby’s mother creates a bond.

Breastfeeding doesn’t create a stronger bond with the baby than bottle feeding does, so it’s important to take this myth and forget about it. As long as your baby is eating and your baby is healthy, you’ll have the same chance to bond with the baby that every other parent does.

Now that you know the myths and how to fight them, are you ready to start using bottle feeding? If so, check out the baby bottle bags and diaper bags we have available today at drjasonsdiet! And connect with other moms via our Instagram or Facebook community to learn more about others’ experiences!