Top 5 Gifts For Expecting Dads

Top 5 Gifts For Expecting Dads

Okay, we know. Usually, it’s the mom that’s showered with thoughtful gifts and attention when expecting a baby. And of course, the baby gets all the fun goodies. But what about dad? An expecting father deserves some love, too. Clearly, buying him a breast pump won’t cut it; that would just be weird. And since becoming a soon-to-be dad doesn’t come with a dad checklist, they need all the help they can get. Thankfully, we’ve got the dads covered, too. Keep reading for our top choices for expectant dad gifts. First things first, try getting him:

A Baby Harness

But you know, a manly one. No, we’re not talking about those cute wrap-around slings. We’re talking about an actual baby harness that allows dad to tote his newborn baby around either facing the front or cuddled up next to his chest as he goes about his day. Not only are these great for cultivating a bond between dad and baby, but they also are super convenient and provide more support than a snuggly baby sling might offer. Grocery shop with baby? No problem. Take out the trash? He’s got this! Trust us, a baby harness is a great gift that keeps on giving, not just to dad, but to mom too.

His Very Own Diaper Bag

Also, a manly one of course. The more rugged and masculine looking, the better. Let’s be real, there’s no dad on the face of the planet that actually wants to carry around that cutesy baby bag mom got at the baby shower. Get him his own diaper bag instead, so he can pack it with all of his baby gear and dude stuff and wear it with pride. Backpack diaper bags are great for a soon-to-be father, as are messenger-style diaper bags. Make sure you get one that’s large enough to fit the necessities, but not so big he feels like he’s traveling to Copenhagen with half his closet.

A Dad Book for Baby

There are lots of choices out there, but why not get dad a book he can read to the baby? Not all dads are founts of conversation but talking to the baby is important for his health and development. New dads that struggle to think of things to say can instead sit down and read a book to the baby. It’s like a double-whammy—talking to the bundle of joy and having a bit of bonding time.

A Matching Outfit

Okay, it’s not just moms who get to wear the cute matching outfits. Dads have them too and there are some really funny ones that new dads will appreciate. For instance, dads that love video games could get matching outfits with player 1 and player 2 on them. There are also outfits with jokes, like a shirt for dad that says, “I’ve created a monster” and a shirt for his newborn baby that says, “Monster.” Pick a personalized matching outfit that you know suits dad's personality and he will be thrilled to wear it out in public once the baby arrives. It’s one of those expectant dad gifts you really can’t go wrong with.

A Multi-Purpose Pocket Tool

Let’s be real, being a dad is hard work. Who knows what kind of shenanigans he and baby might find themselves in once out in the wild on their own? Give him a multi-purpose pocket tool to cover all potential scenarios. Most come with different functions, like tweezers (for baby splinters in the crawling stage), tiny scissors to snip any clothing snags, a knife (perfect for slicing a larger hole in the baby bottle nipple), and who knows what else? You could even go the extra mile, and have it engraved with a special inscription to commemorate his status as a daddy-to-be.

An Expectant Father’s Guidebook

Granted, not all men love to read, but most men will still peruse through a baby book just to get a glimpse of what he can expect once the baby arrives. Why not give him a comprehensive guidebook that offers newborn advice for dads through every stage, from finding out he’s going to be a father, to supporting his other half through the pregnancy, to what it will be like once the bundle of joy is born. This will be a great gift so that the expecting father feels prepared when it's time for the birth of his baby. Some books even extend tips for first-time dads on through the first couple of years, which can be helpful for men that like to feel “prepared.” Although, here’s a secret: There’s no “preparing” for parenthood! You just have to take it one day at a time.

There are lots of options for expectant father gifts. Some might be more suitable for your prospective dad-to-be than others, but making a point to help him feel included and getting him something special that’s just for him will mean a lot.